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Februation under the Julian calendar


As we have seen, the month of February (Februarius) was named after the ritual of februation, which meant ritual purification, and for the children of Yisra’el, ritual purification by passing their children through the fires of Molech/Moloch.

Before we consider the actual practice within the house of Yisra’el, let’s take a look at the source of this practice.  Some believe that this was the prior practice of the Canaanites (Kenaniym), and scripture makes reference to the Ammoniym (Ammonites). There are also those who believe that it was the practice of the Phoenicians brought to the house of Yisra’el by Yezabel. 

However, consider this passage from the Cepher Chanoch (Book of Enoch):

Chanoch (Enoch) 68:2-18

Behold the names of those angels. These are their names. The first of them is Samyaza; the second, Arstikapha; the third, Armen; the fourth, Kakaba’el; the fifth, Tur’el; the sixth, Rumy’el; the seventh, Dany’al; the eighth, Ka’el; the ninth, Barak’el; the tenth, Aza’zel; the eleventh, Armers; the twelfth, Batary’al; the thirteenth, Basasa’el; the fourteenth, Anan’el; the fifteenth, Tury’al; the sixteenth, Simapise’el; the seventeenth, Yetar’el; the eighteenth, Tuma’el; the nineteenth, Tar’el; the twentieth, Rum’el; the twenty-first, Aza’zel. 3 These are the chiefs of their angels, and the names of the leaders of their hundreds, and the leaders of their fifties, and the leaders of their tens. 4 The name of the first is Yekun (the rebel): it was he who seduced all the sons of the holy angels; and causing them to descend on earth, led astray the offspring of men. 5 The name of the second is Kesab’el, who pointed out evil counsel to the sons of the holy angels, and induced them to corrupt their bodies by generating mankind. 6 The name of the third is Gadr’el: he discovered every stroke of death to the children of men. 7 He seduced Chuah; and discovered to the children of men the instruments of death, the coat of mail, the shield, and the sword for slaughter; every instrument of death to the children of men. 8 From his hand were derived to them who dwell upon earth, from that period forever. 9 The name of the fourth is Penemue: he discovered to the children of men bitterness and sweetness; 10 And pointed out to them every secret of their wisdom. 11 He taught men to understand writing, and ink and paper. 12 Therefore numerous have been those who have gone astray from every period of the world, even to this day. 13 For men were not born for this, thus with pen and with ink to confirm their faith; 14 Since they were not created, except that, like the angels, they might remain righteous and pure. 15 Nor would death, which destroys everything, have effected them; 16 But by this their knowledge they perish, and by this also power consumes. 17 The name of the fifth is Kasyade: he discovered to the children of men every wicked stroke of spirits and of devils: 18 The stroke to the embryo in the womb, to diminish; the stroke to the spirit by the bite of the serpent, and the midday stroke of the offspring of the serpent, the name of which is Tabaet. 

The issue of the fallen watchers as discussed in Chanoch (Enoch) is always a controversy, many disavowing the book as being mere mythology or even heresy.  Yet, I would defend the book against an actual heresy which gains in popularity as more and more information is acquired.  This larger heresy, if you will, is the claim that mankind was formed by gods, who were in fact aliens who came to earth and integrated DNA with a sub-human species to create mankind, and ruled over men as gods and demigods for a period of time which somehow came to an end. 

These claims are buttressed by an archeological record which is quite impressive, from the artifacts at Giza to the walls of Machu Picchu.  This record gives credence to the notion of an intelligent antediluvian civilization; and, in the minds of certain researchers, credence to the notion of an alien-sourced biogenesis. 

Add to this the idea of the plurality found in the word ELOHIYM.  This word carries with it a set of its own anomalies.  The word EL is a masculine term in the Hebrew, while ELOAH is the femimine.  ELOHIYM is the masculine plural of the word ELOAH, not the word EL.  Does the word then mean: many ELOAHS?  No one has ever made this contention.  Many, however, have construed this word to mean gods.  Given that this word is first set forth in Bere’shiyth 1:1, the conclusion is that in the beginning, the gods created the heavens and the earth

Chanoch, however, relates a contrary history, and this history is also ascribed in Cepher Yovehliym (the book of Jubilees).  Chanoch tells us that generations after the creation of man and the development of the families of mankind, the Watchers came – not before, and the distinction is critically important, because Chanoch corroborates the recitation in Bere’shiyth; it does not rebut it. 

People, it seems, are willing to give complete credibility to Hindu writings, Greek and Babylonian mythology, and speculative theories from virtually any quarter, but are completely unwilling to accept the Cepher Chanoch (Book of Enoch) as dispositive. 

Nonetheless, we can see that the instruments of death and the stroke to the embryo in the womb was initiated with the teaching of the fallen Watchers; an idea that is roundly condemned in the heavens.

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