Free Downloads

Scripture Comparison Chart
(The את Cepher compared to other translations) 

Sacred Names
(11" x 14" full color poster)

Hebrew Aleph-Bet Chart
(8" x 11" - includes both Paleo & Modern Hebrew letters and their meanings)

את Cepher Annual Reading Plan
(Schedule to read all 87 books in one year)

את Cepher Reading Tracker
(A log to keep track of the books/chapters as you read them)

את Cepher Key
(Chart of the most common Names & Places transliterated in the את Cepher scriptures)

2025 Feasts of Yahuah
(List of the Gregorian Dates)

2025-2026 Hebrew Calendar
(One page printable calendar)

Understanding the Hebrew Calendar
(Preface to the Yom Qodesh)

Understanding the Sacrifices and Feasts of Yahuah
(Supplement in the Yom Qodesh)

Pecach Hagadah
(Written Guide for Passover Seder Meal)

Pecach Hagadah
(Video for Passover Seder Meal)

(Mashiach’s Prayer in Hebrew)

The Ten Devariym 
(The Ten Commandments)

The Shema
(Devariym (Deuteronomy) 6:4-9 in English and Hebrew)

Scripture Memorization 
(Tips for how to successfully commit scripture to memory)

(Original historical maps by Dr. Stephen Pidgeon)

Index Tab Instruction Guide 
(Guide for aligning the self-adhesive custom Index Tabs for the את Cepher)

Video Transcript 
(Dr. Stephen Pidgeon's television interview on "A Christian Viewpoint" recorded in Jan 2013)

Praise and Supplication Music CD 
(Song Lyrics in transliterated Hebrew and English)

Cepher HaYashar 
(The Cepher of Yashar [Book of Jasher] in Hebrew) 

The Missing Fragment
(70 Restored verses in Ezra Reviy'iy [4 Ezra/2nd Esdras] Chapter 7)

Tehilliym 151-155
(Restored chapters of Psalms)

Tehilliym 91
(Psalm 91 Translation)

Ri'shon Qorintiym 13
(1st Corinthians 13 Translation)

Cepher of the Prophet Yechezq'el in restored order
(Book of Ezekiel in restored order)

Cepher of Yoceph V'Acenath
(Book of Joseph and his Egyptian Bride Acenath)