We have set forth the name of the Messiah (HAMASHIACH) as YAHUSHA. There are several views that are contrary to this position. First, we have those who claim the name of Jesus Christ. I will not discuss this issue in this blog. Next, we have those who claim the name Yeshua. I will discuss this to some degree. Then there are those who say Yehoshua, which is also worthy of a brief discussion.
The main point of this post is to discuss the name Emmanuel (Immanuel), and whether or not this is the true name of the Messiah (HAMASHIACH). Let’s take a look at a couple of verses from Yeshayahu:
Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 9:6
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
Kee (because) yehled (child) yawlad (born) lanu (to us) ben (son) nathan (given) lanu (to us) u’ta’hayah (and will be) ha’misraw (government/empire) al (on) shekemu (our shoulders) u’yi’qaraw (and is called) shemo (name of) pehleh (miracle) yawats (deliberate) EL GIBOR ACHIAD (Mighty eternal God) sar (prince) shalom (peace).
Now, let us consider a more literal translation:
Because a child is born to us, a son is given to us, and his government will be on our shoulders, and he is called the name of the miraculous deliberation of EL GIBOR ACHIAD, SAR SHALOM – the prince of peace.

In either event, we find the Hebrew qaraw shemo – he is called by the name of – and the name is then given in the first interpretation Wonderful (Miraculous), Counselor (Advisor/Deliberator), the Mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace (Sar Shalom). Therefore, should his name have been any one of these?
A more blunt translation would render the possibility of limiting the name to only SAR SHALOM, the prince or king of peace, because those names which have translated may also be construed as adverbs and verbs – the actions of YAH (in this case, EL GIBOR ACHIAD – the eternal mighty EL), with only one name appearing: SAR SHALOM. But SAR SHALOM is a title and not a name.
Let’s take a look at another passage that also uses this phrase qawraw shemo:
Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 7:14
Therefore ADONAI himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
Let’s take a look at a more blunt translation, word by word:

L’ken (Rightly) v’nathan (and gives) ADONAI hu (he) l’kem oth (you a sign) hinnay (behold) ha’almah (the maiden) hareh (pregnant) u’yawlad (and births) ben (son) u’qawroth (and is called) shemo (his name) imma’nu’EL.
Rightly, ADONAI, he gives you a sign. Behold, the maiden is pregnant and births a son; and is called his name imma’nu’EL.
We see here the word which is translated as immanu’EL being spelled in the Hebrew ayin (ע), mem (מ), nun (נ), and vav (ו). This singular word is then followed by another word, which is EL, (aleph, lamed). So, it is better written im’nu EL in the Hebrew, and better said in the English, EL with us.
The word im (עִם) (Strong's 5973), is generally interpreted to mean with. The suffix nu, means us. The additional extrapolation of im’manu means the same thing, although maybe better said with those of us.
Now, let us consider this word EL (אֵל), spelled Aleph-Lamed (Strong’s 410). I have discussed this letter Aleph before, and its impact. But I will summarize here. The Paleo Hebrew Aleph is interesting, in that it is made up of two letters, the tav and the vav. The tav, of course, is the mark of salvation (Yekezq’el (Ezekiel) 9:4), and the vav is the nail. Yet, the Paleo Hebrew Aleph connects the nail (vav) to the mark of salvation (tav) to symbolize that his arm (of salvation) is outstretched still. The modern Hebrew Aleph is made up of three letters: the yod, the vav, and the yod in inverse. This letter symbolizes the father (yod), and the son (yod in inverse) at the right hand of the father, divided by the nail (vav). The Aleph therefore signifies EL GIBOR ACHIAD, and the SAR SHALOM, tied together by this nail.
And what of the lamed? The lamed is the shepherd’s staff! So what does this word EL actually mean? The Aleph holding the shepherd’s staff!
(The Unity of the Eternal Mighty YAH and the Prince of Peace holding the Shepherd’s Staff).
So, to fully understand this passage which Yeshayahu is giving us, we can read it as follows:
Rightly, ADONAI, he gives you a sign. Behold, the maiden is pregnant and births a son; and his name is called The Unity of the Eternal Mighty YAH and the Prince of Peace holding the Shepherd’s Staff with us.
This concept is later reflected in the gospel of Matthew (Besorah Mattithyahu), repeating this prophecy:
Mattithyahu (Matthew) 1:23
Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, YAHUAH with us.