Introduction to the את Cepher

Welcome to the home of the את Cepher! We have been seeking to discover as many things as we can about the ancient writings we call scripture as well as the writings that accompanied the scrolls which would eventually end up in a single book! We have researched by digging into many different sources to discover what we believe are the manuscripts essential to every believer's quest to find the true meaning of our existence.

The Cepher team has worked hard to bring new life to the ancient words by doing things like restoring the names of the people and places found in the scriptures, and presenting them as they are actually pronounced (we call it transliteration). We have restored over 3100 names and places, and although some are a little tricky to pronounce, once you get the hang of it, it brings a sense of adventure and discovery!

We offer our flagship publication, the את Cepher, as the centerpiece of our work. 
 Millennium Edition Cover

This collection features not sixty-six books, or even eighty-one books as found in the Authorized Version of the King James Bible, but eighty-seven books! One thing the KJV guys did not have when they were working back in 1611 was access to the Dead Sea Scrolls, which weren't discovered until 1948! We figured the text could use a little updating as a result!

Of course, the את Cepher isn’t our only work, as we have gathered some of the other writings which typically do not appear in any single collection of sacred scripture: writings like the Shepherd of Hermas, the Didache, the Ascents of James, the Books of Adam and Eve, the Testimony of Moses and so on. We thought many of you would like to have these books in hard print, and so we created the את Cepheriym Library. These books make for a great collection of works that are often otherwise published separately, and of course, in different sizes and shapes. Now, you can find them all in one place!

The את Cepher, unlike other manuscripts, does not dilly-dally when it comes to setting forth a pronunciation of the tetragrammaton. Most modern-day texts hedge their bet when it comes to the name by presenting it in the Hebrew or even Paleo-Hebrew form. There's nothing wrong with that approach, but the reader comes away still not knowing how to pronounce it! We solve that by giving it to you in English. 

You will find exciting new discussions concerning the age-old stories you might remember: stories about the sacrifice of Yitshaq (Isaac), or the loss of Yoceph (Joseph), the dream of Avraham (Abraham), or the work of Ezra in securing the word. In addition, because the את Cepher includes the books of the Makkabiym (Maccabees), you can also see what happened to the prophecy given in Daniy'el (Daniel) 11.  

Of course, we all remember the crazy questions which no one could answer; questions like who did Cain marry and so on. That's where the book of Yovheliym (Jubilees) comes in and answers those questions with details that may surprise you. Once you’ve read it, you will have that sense of satisfaction, that now you finally have an answer!

The את Cepher is also a great family collectable. At the back of the book, there are many Maps which for the first time show the true location of Mt. Sinai and Mt. Horeb, the true location of the “Red Sea crossing” and the true route of the Exodus. Some of the maps include the migration of the lost tribes of the house of Yashar’el (Israel). You may find those very interesting. And, at the back of the book, there is plenty of space and provision to write in your family history, back seven generations or so.

We pray the את Cepher will be blessing to you and your family.  If you have questions, please send them to us by emailing