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Lost Books of the Bible: On the Scroll of the Giants


Dead Sea Scrolls — 4Q203, 1Q23, 2Q26, 4Q530-532, 6Q8 – Compare Genesis 6:1-2, 4.

One question we receive here quite often concerns the “lost books of the bible.”  Of course, this is a difficult question, because there are many books which are not included in the bible (which is to say that book which is called the bible, subject to rules of canonization), because we have several categories of these books. There are books which are referenced in the bible but not included in the bible (protocanonical).  Then there are books which used to be in the bible, but have been deleted since the 19th Century (deuterocanonical), then there are books which are scriptural, but which are neither of these (extra-scriptural).

One of these extra-scriptural texts – the Scroll of the Giants – is discussed here, but before we start, let’s review the protocanonical books (the books mentioned in the text itself). 

Before we begin, you can review the deuterocanonical books to see which books have been included in the bible, by reviewing our free download Scripture Comparison Chart which sets forth these books: https://www.cepher.net/Userfiles//Scripture-Comparison-Chart.pdf

The protocanonical books mentioned in the “Bible” itself which are not included are as follows:  

Cepher Milcham’oth YAHUAH (Wars of YAHUAH) – Bemidbar (Numbers) 21:14;

Cepher Yashar (Jasher) - Yahusha (Joshua) 10:13; Shemu’el Sheniy (2 Samuel) 1:18.  (Included in the Eth Cepher referencing the translation of Moses Samuel c. 1840);

Cepher Mishpaht ha’Meluchah (The Book of the Laws of the Kingdom) Shemu’el Ri’shon (1 Samuel) 10:25;

Cepher Shiyriym (Book of Songs) – Melekiym Ri’shon (1 Kings) 8:12–13 (Septuagint);

Cepher Divrei Shalomah (Words of Solomon) Melekiym Ri’shon (1 Kings) 11:41;

Cepher Divrei Hayamiym Melek David (Words of the Days of King David) - Divrei Hayamiym Ri’shon (1 Chronicles) 27:24;

Cepher Dabar Gad Chozeh (Words of Gad the Beholder) - Divrei Hayamiym Ri’shon (1 Chronicles) 29:29;

Cepher Nathan (Book of Nathan) – Divrei Hayamiym Sheniy (2 Chronicles) 9:29; 12:15; 13:22;

Cepher Achiyah Shilohniy (Book of Achiyah the Shilomite) - Divrei Hayamiym Sheniy (2 Chronicles) 9:29; 

Cepher Iddo (Book of Iddo) - Divrei Hayamiym Sheniy (2 Chronicles) 9:29; 12:15; 13:22;

Cepher Shemayahu (Book of Shemiah) - Divrei Hayamiym Sheniy (2 Chronicles) 12:15;                                                                                                           

Cepher Chizayon Yesha’yahu ben Amots (Revelation of Isaiah son of Amots) Divrei Hayamiym Sheniy (2 Chronicles) 32:32;

Cepher Divrei Hayamiym Meleki Maday v’Paras (Book of the Words and Days of the Kings of Media and Persia) Ecter (Esther) 10:2; Hadaccah (Additions to Esther) 10:1.

Here however, we will review the Scroll of the Giants. Before getting started on this fragment from the Dead Sea Scrolls, let’s take a minute to review a couple of things. The word scroll appears in the Hebraic scriptural text just once – in Yesha’yahu (Isaiah) 34:4, and the word interpreted there as scroll is the Hebrew word cepher (סֵפֶר).  However, another word which is often interpreted as a scroll is the Hebrew word megillah (מגילה).  A scroll however is collected at both ends, while a roll is collected at but one end.  We find this usage in Zakaryahu (Zechariah).

Zakaryahu (Zechariah) 5:1
Then I turned, and lifted up my eyes, and looked, and behold a flying roll (מְגִלָּה).

So, it begs the question: Should the Dead Sea Scrolls actually be called the Dead Sea Rolls? 

At any rate, before we begin our discussion of the Scroll of the Giants, let’s take a look at the preliminary statement found in Bere’shiyth (Genesis):

Bere’shiyth (Genesis) 6:1-4
AND it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 That the sons of ELOHIYM saw את eth-the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them women of all which they chose. 3 And YAHUAH said, My RUACH shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years. 4 There were Nephiliym in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of ELOHIYM came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them, the same became warriors and tyrants which were of ancient times, men of infamy.

In respect of verse 4, the word which actually appears in the Hebrew text is (הנפלים) (Strong’s H-5303) (ha’nephiliym), and means bully, tyrant, or giant.

Here, our verse describes that Nephiliym came into the earth in those days, when the sons of ELOHIYM came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. That is the clear language of the verse.  People who say that the sons of ELOHIYM describe the line of Seth, and so forth, ignore that their progeny were giants.   

The discussion of this is detailed in the Cepher Chanoch (the Book of Enoch) which is included in the Eth Cepher as an extra-scriptural book which we believe should have rightly been included in the first century collection of scrolls which constituted scripture.  As the Dead Sea Scrolls have made clear, the Essenes had many copies of Enoch, and it was widely read and accepted prior to the rise of the Amelekite Akiva and his disciple Yochai who came to denounce the book. 

The discussion of the Watchers and the progeny the Repha’yim and the Nephiliym is also included in the extra-scriptural Cepher Yovheliym (Jubilees); again, a book initially included in the Ethiopian Bible (the world’s first collection as a bible), and broadly accepted in the Asyriac tradition as well as in Eastern Orthodoxy. 

However, there is more to the story than is included in Cepher Chanoch (also called 1 Enoch), which is a set of fragments collectively referred to the Scroll of the Giants.

Here, we will be discussing these several fragments.  Our first fragment – 1Q23 Frag. 9 + 14 + 15 begins with a couple of statements: 1) that the Watchers (fallen angels described in the book of Enoch) knew secrets; 2) that their sin was great in the earth; 3) that killed many; and 4) the begat giants.

2 [ . . . ] they knew the secrets of [ . . . ] 3[ . . . si]n was great in the earth [ . . . ] 4[ . . . ] and they killed many [ . . ] 5[ . . . they begat] giants [ . . . ]

Our second fragment - 4Q531 Frag. 3 – tells us that the Watchers had every aspect of the creation of YAH on the earth under their observance.

2 [ . . . everything that the] earth produced [ . . . ] [ . . . ] the great fish [ . . . ] 14[ . . . ] the sky with all that grew [ . . . ] 15[ . . . fruit of] the earth and all kinds of grain and al1 the trees [ . . . ] 16[ . . . ] beasts and reptiles . . . [al]l creeping things of the earth and they observed all [ . . . ] |8[ . . . eve]ry harsh deed and [ . . . ] utterance [ . . . ] l9[ . . . ] male and female, and among humans [ . . . ]

Our third fragment - 1Q23 Frag. 1 + 6 – tells us that these Watchers chose animals for miscegenation, which means interbreeding, in this instance, between the Watchers and the animals so named.

[ . . . two hundred] 2 donkeys, two hundred asses, two hundred . . . rams of the] 3 flock, two hundred goats, two hundred [ . . . beast of the] 4 field from every animal, from every [bird . . . ] 5[ . . . ] for miscegenation [ . . . ]

The fourth fragment - 4Q531 Frag. 2 - goes on to describe that the Watchers did in fact carry out this act, calling it a defilement (a good word to know as all things sacred in our modern world have been defiled by the apostasitic progressives among us).

[ . . . ] they defiled [ . . . ] 2 [ . . . they begot] giants and monsters [ . . . ] 3 [ . . . ] they begot, and, behold, all [the earth was corrupted . . . ] 4 [ . . . ] with its blood and by the hand of [ . . . ] 5 [giant's] which did not suffice for them and [ . . . ] 6 [ . . . ] and they were seeking to devour many [ . . . ] 7 [ . . . ] 8[ . . . ] the monsters attacked it.

As the Cepher Chanoch (the Book of Enoch) details, the Watchers were denied mercy and forgiveness, and in this Scroll of the Giants - 4Q532 Col. 2 Frags. 1 - 6 - also tells us that the Giants themselves will perish and die.

2[ . . . ] flesh [ . . . ] 3 al[l . . . ] monsters [ . . . ] will be [ . . . ] 4[ . . . ] they would arise [ . . . ] lacking in true knowledge [ . . . ] because [ . . . ] 5[ . . . ] the earth [grew corrupt . . . ] mighty [ . . . ] 6[ . . . ] they were considering [ . . . ] 7[ . . . ] from the angels upon [ . . . ] 8[ . . . ] in the end it will perish and die [ . . . ] 9[ . . . ] they caused great corruption in the [earth . . . ] [ . . . this did not] suffice to [ . . . ] "they will be [ . . . ]

We begin to see that this book is really a book of Lamentations (Qiynah) for the giants, who, through a couple of dreams come to realize that a flood is coming and that they will not be the subjects of ultimate salvation, but instead, will be the subjects of ultimate damnation.

First, we see the vision of waters coming over the tablet in Fragment 2Q26

[ . . . ] they drenched the tablet in the wa[ter . . . ] 2[ . . . ] the waters went up over the [tablet . . . ] 3[ . . . ] they lifted out the tablet from the water of [ . . . ]

Then, in 4Q530 Frag.7, we see the giants contemplating their deaths in the coming flood.  This requires the reader to remember that the point of reference is pre-flood, or the antediluvian period.

[ . . . this vision] is for cursing and sorrow. I am the one who confessed 2[ . . . ] the whole group of the castaways that I shall go to [ . . . ] 3[ . . . the spirits of the sl]ain complaining about their killers and crying out 4[ . . . ] that we shall die together and be made an end of [ . . . ] much and I will be sleeping, and bread 6[ . . . ] for my dwelling; the vision and also [ . . . ] entered into the gathering of the giants 8[ . . . ]

6Q8 [ . . . ] Ohya and he said to Mahway [ . . . ] 2[ . . . ] without trembling. Who showed you all this vision, [my] brother? 3[ . . . ] Barakel, my father, was with me. 4[ . . . ] Before Mahway had finished telling what [he had seen . . . ] 5[ . . . said] to him, Now I have heard wonders! If a barren woman gives birth [ . . . ]

4Q530 Frag. 4 3[There]upon Ohya said to Ha[hya . . . ] 4[ . . . to be destroyed] from upon the earth and [ . . . ] 5[ . . . the ea]rth. When 6[ . . . ] they wept before [the giants . . . ]

4Q530 Frag. 7 3[ . . . ] your strength [ . . . ] 4[ . . . ] 5Thereupon Ohya [said] to Hahya [ . . . ] Then he answered, It is not for 6 us, but for Azaz’el, for he did [ . . . the children of] angels 7 are the giants, and they would not let all their loved ones] be neglected [. . . we have] not been cast down; you have strength [ . . . ]

It should be of some interest to the student of these scrolls that the giant Gilgamesh from the Epic of Gilgamesh fame is mentioned in this fragment.

4Q531 Frag. 1 3[ . . . I am a] giant, and by the mighty strength of my arm and my own great strength 4[ . . . any]one mortal, and I have made war against them; but I am not [ . . . ] able to stand against them, for my opponents 6[ . . . ] reside in [Heav]en, and they dwell in the holy places. And not 7[ . . . they] are stronger than I. 8[ . . . ] of the wild beast has come, and the wild man they call [me].

9[ . . . ] Then Ohya said to him, I have been forced to have a dream [ . . . ] the sleep of my eyes [vanished], to let me see a vision. Now I know that on [ . . . ] 11-12[ . . . ] Gilgamesh [ . . . ]

6Q8 Frag. 2 1 three of its roots [ . . . ] [while] I was [watching,] there came [ . . . they moved the roots into] 3 this garden, all of them, and not [ . . . ]

We see here a vision that three roots are moved into a garden following the flood of the water coming over the tablets.  These three roots are the three Y-DNA (patriarchal) lines which are derived from the three sons of Noach: Yapheth, Shem, and Cham. 

4Q530 Col. 2 1 concerns the death of our souls [ . . . ] and all his comrades, [and Oh]ya told them what Gilgamesh said to him 2[ . . . ] and it was said [ . . . ] "concerning [ . . . ] the leader has cursed the potentates" 3 and the giants were glad at his words. Then he turned and left [ . . . ]

Again, we see that the Nepheliym and the Repha’yim are subject to one judgment, but the Watchers themselves another.  This appears to be a reference to the judgment cast about the Watchers.  However, this scroll goes on to disclose even more.

Thereupon two of them had dreams 4 and the sleep of their eye, fled from them, and they arose and came to [ . . . and told] their dreams, and said in the assembly of [their comrades] the monsters 6[ . . . In] my dream I was watching this very night 7[and there was a garden . . . ] gardeners and they were watering 8[ . . . two hundred trees and] large shoots came out of their root 9[ . . . ] all the water, and the fire burned all 10[the garden . . . ] They found the giants to tell them 11[the dream . . . ]

At this point, it is worthy of reviewing what is discussed in Cepher Chanoch (the Book of Enoch) concerning the two hundred trees seen in this vision.

Chanoch (Enoch) 7:1-11
IT happened after the sons of men had multiplied in those days that daughters were born to them, elegant and beautiful. 2 And when the Watchers, the sons of heaven, beheld them, they became enamored of them, saying to each other, Come, let us select for ourselves women from the progeny of men, and let us beget children. 3 Then their leader Samyaza [Shemi’aza] said to them; I fear that you may perhaps be indisposed to the performance of this enterprise; 4 And that I alone shall suffer for so grievous a crime. 5 But they answered him and said; We all swear; 6 And bind ourselves by mutual execrations, that we will not change our intention, but execute our projected undertaking. 7 Then they swore all together, and all bound themselves by mutual execrations. Their whole number was two hundred, who descended upon Ardis, which is the top of Mount Chermon. 8 That mountain therefore was called Chermon, because they had sworn upon it, and bound themselves by mutual execrations. 9 These are the names of their chiefs: Samyaza, who was their leader, Urakaba-rame’el, Akiybe’el, Tamiy’el, Ramu’el, Dan’el, Azke’el, Sarakny’al, Asa’el, Armers, Batra’al, Anane, Zavebe, Samsave’el, Erta’el, Tur’el, Yomya’el, Arazy’al. These were the prefects of the two hundred angels, and the remainder were all with them. 10 Then they took women, each choosing for himself; whom they began to approach, and with whom they cohabited; teaching them sorcery, incantations, and the dividing of roots and trees. 11 And the women conceiving brought forth giants, and they bore to them three races: first, the great giants. The giants brought forth the Nephiliym, and the Nephiliym brought forth the Elioud. And they existed, increasing in power according to their greatness.

This Scroll of the Giants is inextricably linked to the Cepher Chanoch (the Book of Enoch), and really cannot be understood without referencing Chanoch.  We see in this scroll the giants seeking to enlist Enoch (Chanoch) for interpretation.

[ . . . to Enoch] the noted scribe, and he will interpret for us 12 the dream. Thereupon his fellow Ohya declared and said to the giants, 13 I too had a dream this night, O giants, and, behold, the Ruler of Heaven came down to earth 14[ . . . ] and such is the end of the dream. [Thereupon] all the giants [and monsters! grew afraid 15 and called Mahway. He came to them and the giants pleaded with him and sent him to Enoch 16[the noted scribe]. They said to him, Go [ . . . ] to you that 17[ . . . ] you have heard his voice. And he said to him, He wil1 [ . . . and] interpret the dreams [ . . . ] Col. 3 3[ . . . ] how long the giants have to live. [ . . . ]

The giant Mahway flew over the inhabited world, and passed over desolation which was the great desert to reach Chanoch (Enoch).  At this point, we see that the request comes from both the giants and the monsters of the earth. Let’s take a moment here to consider that this scroll first details that the Watchers had relations not only with humans, but with animals.  So, the human interbreeding created giants, and the animal interbreeding created monsters, and apparently, they were monsters who could both speak and understand, as they together sought the meaning of the dreams, particularly concerning the two hundred trees that had come down from heaven.

[ . . . he mounted up in the air] 4 1ike strong winds, and flew with his hands like ea[gles . . . he left behind] 5 the inhabited world and passed over Desolation, the great desert [ . . . ] 6 and Enoch saw him and hailed him, and Mahway said to him [ . . . ] 7 hither and thither a second time to Mahway [ . . . The giants await 8 your words, and all the monsters of the earth. If [ . . . ] has been carried [ . . . ] 9 from the days of [ . . . ] their [ . . . ] and they will be added [ . . . ] 10[ . . . ] we would know from you their meaning [ . . . ] 11[ . . . two hundred tr]ees that from heaven [came down . . . ]

Enoch handwrites a second tablet to the Watchers with a summary of the judgment of YAH.

4Q530 Frag. 2 The scribe [Enoch . . . ] 2[ . . . ] 3 a copy of the second tablet that [Enoch] se[nt . . . ] 4 in the very handwriting of Enoch the noted scribe [ . . . In the name of ELOHIYM GADUL] 5 and holy one, to Shemi’aza and all [his companions . . . ] 6 1et it be known to you that not [ . . . ] 7 and the things you have done, and that your wives [ . . . ] 8 they and their sons and the wives of [their sons . . . ] 9 by your licentiousness on the earth, and there has been upon you [ . . . and the land is crying out] 10 and complaining about you and the deeds of your children [ . . . ] 11 the harm that you have done to it. [ . . . ] 12 until Raphael arrives, behold, destruction [is coming, a great flood, and it will destroy all living things] 13 and whatever is in the deserts and the seas. And the meaning of the matter [ . . . ] 14 upon you for evil. But now, loosen the bonds bi[nding you to evil . . . ] l5 and pray.

4Q531 Frag. 7 3[ . . . great fear] seized me and I fell on my face; I heard his voice [ . . . ] 4[ . . . ] he dwelt among human beings but he did not learn from them [ . . . ]

However, the judgment from YAH was complete and considered, and the flood of the earth was rendered. 

Chanoch (Enoch) 10:1-20
THEN EL ELYON, the Great and Holy One spoke, 2 And sent Arsayalalyur to the son of Lemek, 3 Saying, Say to him in my name, Conceal yourself. 4 Then explain to him the consummation which is about to take place; for all the earth shall perish; the waters of a deluge shall come over the whole earth, and all things which are in it shall be destroyed. 5 And now teach him how he may escape, and how his seed may remain in all the earth. 6 Again YAHUAH said to Rapha’el, Bind Aza’zel hand and foot; cast him into darkness; and opening the desert which is in Duda’el, cast him in there. 7 Throw upon him hurled and pointed stones, covering him with darkness; 8 There shall he remain forever; cover his face, that he may not see the light. 9 And in the great day of judgment let him be cast into the fire. 10 Restore the earth, which the angels have corrupted; and announce life to it, that I may revive it. 11 All the sons of men shall not perish in consequence of every secret, by which the Watchers have destroyed, and which they have taught, their offspring. 12 All the earth has been corrupted by the effects of the teaching of Aza’zel. To him therefore ascribe the whole crime. 13 To Gavriy’el also YAHUAH said, Go to the bastards, to the reprobates, to the children of fornication; and destroy the children of fornication, the offspring of the Watchers, from among men; bring them forth, and excite them one against another. Let them perish by mutual slaughter; for length of days shall not be theirs. 14 They shall all entreat you, but their fathers shall not obtain their wishes respecting them; for they shall hope for eternal life, and that they may live, each of them, five hundred years. 15 To Miyka’el likewise YAHUAH said, Go and announce his crime to Samyaza [Shemi’aza], and to the others who are with him, who have been associated with women, that they might be polluted with all their impurity. And when all their sons shall be slain, when they shall see the perdition of their beloved, bind them for seventy generations underneath the earth, even to the day of judgment, and of consummation, until the judgment, the effect of which will last forever, be completed. 16 Then shall they be taken away into the lowest depths of the fire in torments; and in confinement shall they be shut up forever. 17 Immediately after this shall Samyaza [Shemi’aza], together with them, burn and perish; they shall be bound until the consummation of many generations. 18 Destroy all the souls addicted to lust, and the offspring of the Watchers, for they have tyrannized over mankind. 19 Let every oppressor perish from the face of the earth; 20 Let every evil work be destroyed;

There are those who say that this Scroll of the Giants was a natural portion of the Cepher Chanoch (the Book of Enoch); however, it is distinguishable in its format and context as it deals with the giants, and not the Watchers.  Yet, for those of you who are students of this book, the Scroll of the Giants becomes an important part of the narrative, because it tells us of an additional part of the story – that the Watchers interbred with animals as well, creating giants and monsters.  We who live in this age of advanced genetic manipulation now understand that this is more than mythology. 

Luqas (Luke) 17:26-33
And as it was in the days of Noach, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Adam. 27 They did eat, they drank, they married women, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noach entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. 28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; 29 But the same day that Lot went out of Cedom YAHUAH rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. 30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of Adam is revealed. 31 In that day, he which shall be upon the housetop, and his stuff in the house, let him not come down to take it away: and he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back. 32 Remember Lot's woman. 33 Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.

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Romaiym (Romans) 8:38-39

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of Yah, which is in Yahusha Ha'Mashiach our Adonai.

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Qorintiym Ri'shon (I Corinthians) 13:13

And now abides faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

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Makkabiym Reviy'iy (4 Maccabees) 9:7-9

Make the attempt, then, O tyrant; and if you put us to death for our faith, think not that you harm us by torturing us. For we through this ill treatment and endurance shall bear off the rewards of virtue. But you, for the wicked and despotic slaughter of us, shall, from the divine vengeance, endure eternal torture by fire.

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Daniy'el (Daniel) 12:1

And at that time shall Miyka’el stand up, the great prince which stands for the children of your people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone that shall be found written in the cepher.

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Chanoch (Enoch) 105:14-15

A great destruction therefore shall come upon all the earth; a deluge, a great destruction shall take place in one year. This child, who is born to your son shall survive on the earth, and his three sons shall be saved with him. When all mankind who are on the earth shall die, he shall be safe.

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Yo'el (Joel) 2:28

And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Ruach upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.

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