Wolves among the Sheep
Do you see the wolves now? Join Dr. Pidgeon and Jessica Arellanes as they discuss how to discern a wolf in sheep's clothing as we have been warned about is scriptural passages such as Mattithyahu (Matthew) 10:16, Luqas (Luke) 10:3, and Ma'asiym (Acts) 20:29.

Shamayim - Now Available in Spanish
A Collection of Writings on the Heavens
This compilation of sixteen ancient writings speaks to the nature of heaven and the heavens. In discussing these topics, we begin with two writings from the Common Epoch, namely Machazeh Pa’al (The Vision of Paul) and Chizayon Kepha (The Apocalypse of Peter), which will prove to be illustrative writings setting the stage for a review of the more historical pieces. Most critically, Shamayim contains the heralded writings of Chanok Sheniy (Second Enoch), Baruk Sheniy (Second Baruch) and Baruk Sheliyshiy (Third Baruch), and of course H’Alah Yesha’yahu (The Ascension of Isaiah). Additional books such as Chizayon Mosheh (The Apocalypse of Moses) and Chizayon Avraham (The Apocalypse of Abraham) compliment these writings and illustrate the thinking behind the authors who saw fit to write about these concepts.

Shamayim en Español Una colección de escritos acerca de los cielos
Esta recopilación de dieciséis escritos antiguos habla de la naturaleza del cielo y de los cielos. Al discutir estos temas, comenzaremos con dos escritos de la Era Común (d.C.), a saber, Majazeh Pa'al (La visión de Pablo) y Jizayon Kefa (El Apocalipsis de Pedro), que demostrarán ser escritos ilustrativos que preparan el escenario para una revisión de las piezas más históricas. Lo más crítico es que Shamayim contiene los escritos anunciados de Janok Sheniy (II Libro de Enoj), Baruk Sheniy (II Libro de Baruj) y Baruk Sheliyshiy (III Libro de Baruj), y por supuesto H’Alah Yesha’yahu (La Ascensión de Isaías). Libros adicionales como Jizayon Mosheh (El Apocalipsis de Moisés) y Jizayon Avraham (El Apocalipsis de Abraham) complementan estos escritos e ilustran el pensamiento de los autores que consideraron oportuno escribir sobre estos conceptos.
Updates & Prayer Request
- Dr. Pidgeon will be hosting a Shabbat Fellowship at 10am PST via Zoom. If you would like to join the fellowship, please email stephen@cepher.net for access.
- The large print Collector's Limited Millennium Edition of the את CEPHER is nearing completion at the production facility in the U.K. We are printing 500 copies and no more. We will make an announcement as soon as we are ready to start accepting pre-orders, which is dependent upon international shipping and customs.
- The English CEPHERS have been out of stock for several weeks. Please pray that our printer will be able to finish and ship our next order without further delay.