The Feast Of Dedication
Over the years, Dr. Pidgeon has taught many times on the Feast of Dedication, otherwise known as Chanukkah in Ivriyt/Hebrew. Click on the links below to learn whether this festival is something we should be observing today:
The Two Witnesses
Who are the Two Witnesses and what role do they play in the end times? Join Dr. Stephen Pidgeon and Jessica Arellanes as they discuss the prophetic scriptures pointing to their identity and mission.

Crisis of Faith - The Life of Pa'al
In this episode of Crossing Over with Jessica Arellanes, Dr. Pidgeon discusses the Apostle Pa'al and whether he is a false prophet or a sent one of Yahuah.

Updates & Prayer Request
- Our mobile app developer just rolled out a new update for Android devices, and will be completing the update for Apple devices soon. Please check for updates on the App Store within your mobile device. If you don't already have the mobile app, click here to order.
- Tabbies, the company that makes our custom Index Tabs, is struggling to fulfill our most recent order because of reduced staffing in their production facility. We submitted our re-order a month ago, and they haven't even started on them yet! Please pray Tabbies will be able to get our tabs done and shipped out asap.
- We are still working out the details for the large print collector's edition of the את CEPHER and will make an announcement once we are ready to start taking pre-orders.
- Please pray for Dr. Pidgeon and Jonathan Netzloff as they work to develop the website and teaching content for Cepher Academy.