Welcome to this week's Exclusive Insider Update! Recently, the veracity of CEPHER YASHAR (Book of Jasher) was called into question.
In the last Insider's Update we discussed handling scriptures that appear to have errors or contradictions. How do we reconcile this? Are we to take the word of others at face value, or can we make a determination through our own study?
Two questions we can ask ourselves in regard to books that others may refute are: 1) "Are there other witnesses to the content within the book? and 2) "Did the RUACH YAHUAH work in me while I was reading it?"
The CEPHER Mobile App provides the tools necessary to conduct an independent study so you can discover for yourself the value within the CEPHER YASHAR. We believe it will bless you, encourage you, and increase your understanding of other scriptures.
The full version of the App includes all 87 books, and an interactive Lexicon, along with note and reference tools that will assist you in your studies - all for only $22. (There is also an abridged version of the App with the traditional 66 books available for free.)
To learn more about the veracity of CEPHER YASHAR, read this week's teaching from Dr. Pidgeon.

Teaching of the Week with Dr. Pidgeon

To view this week's teaching, click READ TODAY! in the image above.
Current News and Updates:
Yocephus Wars Coming Soon: Our next book release (not to be confused with Yocephus Antiquities) will be available for purchase by mid-December! There are many new features in the Eth CEPHER version of this literary classic which provides a history of the wars of the Yahudiym, including:
The names have been restored to coincide with the transliterated names of the Eth CEPHER.
The Sacred Name and descriptions of our Creator have been restored to the text.
The language has been updated for clearer understanding and ease of reading.
Ample footnotes are provided.
Black Linen Hardcover with Gold Embossing Large 10pt Cambria font 7" x 10" 600 pages
Eth CEPHER for e-Sword Updated: The first revision of eth CEPHER for e-Sword is now available. Those who have a version previous to 11/29/18 may delete the original file (within the e-Sword program file on your computer) and replace it with the new file. We have also created a tutorial video which walks you, step by step, through the set up and installation process. The same process applies to both new and current users. Please note that new users will have to create a free account at BibleSupport.com before the download will work. Download File - Watch Tutorial
IMPORTANT Mobile App News: Our app developer has created a fix for the text issue for Android 9. If you are not seeing the text on your device, click here and follow the instructions to remedy the problem.
The update and menu fix is now available through the App Store as is the abridged Eth CEPHER for the iPhone. To acquire yours, go to the App Store and search "CEPHER Abridged Edition."
Spanish Blog: The latest update from CPG on the Spanish version of the eth CEPHER has been posted on the Spanish blog. Read more here.
As always, any questions you have for us directly, including customer support, can be asked through our website by clicking the CONTACT link located at the top right on our home page.

Dr. Stephen Pidgeon, President and CEO
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