Welcome to this week's Exclusive Insider Update! Today we're going to take an inside look at Sitrei Torah and the Apocalypse Of Moses (Mosheh).
After dreaming that Cain had consumed the blood of Abel, Eve told Adam what she had seen. And Adam said, "Let us arise and go and see what has happened to them. (I fear) lest the adversary may be assailing them somewhere." Apocalypse of Moses 2:4.
From the beginning of the book, Adam and Eve experience the hardness of the heart, in their son Cain, through the murder of his brother.
So why is it called the Apocalypse Of Moses (Mosheh)? An apocalypse is defined as an event involving destruction or damage on an awesome or catastrophic scale.
Mosheh's apocalypse started the moment that Adam and Eve were evicted from the garden. It was the disaster that ignited a series of events that lead all they way to the Promised Land.
The hardness of the hearts of mankind has been the issue from the beginning. Mosheh invested his entire life in working to save a stubborn and stiff-necked people. What did Mosheh suffer to give you? Read the latest blog from Dr. Pidgeon by clicking on the image below.

Teaching of the Week with Dr. Pidgeon

To view this week's teaching, click READ HERE, in the image above.
Current News and Updates:
Yocephus - Wars of the Yahudiym: Coming in November 2018! In this follow-up cepher to Antiquities, first-century historian Flavius Yocephus (Titus Flavius Josephus), provides an extensive chronicle of Yahud’s (Judea’s) conflicts with the Roman Empire. There are many new features in the Eth CEPHER version of this literary classic, including:
The names have been restored to coincide with the transliterated names of the Eth CEPHER.
The Sacred Name and descriptions of our Creator have been restored to the text.
The language has been updated for clearer understanding and ease of reading.
Ample footnotes are provided.
Black Linen Hardcover with Gold Embossing Large 10pt Cambria font 7" x 10" 600 pages
Mobile App Update: The menu fix for the eth CEPHER mobile app, for iPhone, has been completed and the update is now available through App Store. The abridged Eth CEPHER for the iPhone is now available through the App Store as well. To acquire yours, go to the App Store and search "CEPHER Abridged Edition."
Eth CEPHER for e-Sword: Now Available For PC and Mac! To get yours, first download the free Bible software from www.e-sword.net. Next, create a free account at www.biblesupport.com, and then click here. When you have saved the download to your computer, follow the instructions included within the downloaded zip file.
New Products: The new thinner Carrying Cases for the 3rd Edition, Revision 1 eth CEPHER are now available for purchase on the CEPHER website.
Spanish Blog: The latest update from CPG on the Spanish version of the eth CEPHER has been posted on the Spanish blog. Read more here.
As always, any questions you have for us directly, including customer support, can be asked through our website by clicking the CONTACT link located at the top right on our home page.

Dr. Stephen Pidgeon, President and CEO
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