Welcome to this week's Exclusive Insider Update! Today we're going to discuss the recording of your inspirational moments, thoughts, dreams and visions using Devaraki; which is Hebrew for My Journal.
In the Book of Ma'asiym (Acts) 2:17-18 we read: And it shall come to pass in the last days, says YAHUAH, I will pour out את eth-my RUACH upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my RUACH; and they shall prophesy.
Devaraki is a personal journal that you can use to record these events as you experience them!
Earlier this week Dr. Pidgeon shared a teaching on the topic of the prophecy, giving us an inside look into how the prophets of old were impacted by the realization of what they were hearing and seeing.
What was sweet as honey on their lips but bitter to their stomach, to the point of sickness? Is this something that those who are receiving the prophetic gift could experience even today? Watch this week's teaching from Dr. Pidgeon to learn what it means both then and now.

Teaching of the Week with Dr. Pidgeon

To watch this week's teaching, click WATCH HERE, in the image above.
Current News and Updates:
Eth CEPHER for e-Sword: Now Available For PC and Mac! Word is spreading about the 66 book abridged version of the eth CEPHER for e-Sword, available online at BibleSupport.com. To date, over 650 people have taken advantage of this fantastic, free resource! To get yours, first download the free Bible software from www.e-sword.net. Next, create a free account at www.biblesupport.com, and then click here. When you have saved the download to your computer, follow the instructions included within the downloaded zip file.
Spanish Blog: The latest update from CPG on the Spanish version of the eth CEPHER has been posted on the Spanish blog. Read more here.
The Fall Feasts: In observance of the appointed times of YAHUAH, we will be closed for business on September 10, 19, and 24. May YAHUAH bless you as you observe His Holy Days this month! Do you have questions about the Fall Feasts? Read Dr. Pidgeon's post: On the practice of the Fall Feasts here."
Mobile App Update: The new update for the eth CEPHER, 3rd Edition, Revision 1 mobile app is now available for both Android and iPhone users. If you were not prompted to automatically update, go to the Play Store or App Store, and you will find the option to update there. Also, the abridged Eth CEPHER for the iPhone is now available through App Store. To acquire yours, go to App Store and search "CEPHER Abridged Edition."
New Products: The new thinner Carrying Cases for the 3rd Edition, Revision 1 eth CEPHER are now available for purchase on the CEPHER website.
As always, any questions you have for us directly, including customer support, can be asked through our website by clicking the CONTACT link located at the top right on our home page.

Dr. Stephen Pidgeon, President and CEO
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