Talmidiym - Now Available in Hardcover
The most recent addition to the Eth Cepheriym collection is called Talmidiym. This book sets forth the wisdom of the Apostles - James (Ya'aqov), Peter (Kepha), John (Yahuchanon), Jude (Yahudah), and Paul (Sha'ul) in their collective writings, often referred to as Epistles or Letters.
On each page, you will find extensive Hebraic footnotes to illustrate key concepts, rendering the capacity to establish new and increased understanding of these familiar writings. An indispensable tool for any student of the scriptures, particularly those who preach and teach from the Epistles.
7" x 10" Black Linen Hardcover with Gold Embossing 307 pages
Retails for $35, on Sale for $28 through April 30th.