Announcing the new את CEPHER App!
You can now have this amazing book at your fingertips by downloading it to your mobile device. The new App allows you to search the scriptures by key word, book, chapter and verse and is loaded with extra features including:
- Note-taking capability.
- Highlighting in seven different colors.
- The Lexicon of more than 3,100 transliterated words found in the את CEPHER (soon to be released in hardback for $35).
- The Daily Hebrew Prayers synced to your time zone.
- Links to the Weekly Torah Portion, Dr. Stephen Pidgeon’s blog, articles and other free downloads available our website.
- Works even when you don't have internet access!
Your purchase also includes any future updates, all for the one-time download cost of only $21.99!
Click here to learn more about the את CEPHER.