What makes this book so special?
The word eth (את) means divine, and the word cepher (ספר) means book, scroll, letter or writing. Hence, the את CEPHER is the “Divine Book”. This unique collection of sacred scripture restores much of what has been removed and/or incorrectly interpreted in the "Holy Bible" for centuries!
- Restores the Aleph Tav (את) over 9,800 times, which have been previously omitted in other English translations.
- Sets forth a translation, rather than a substitution, of the names of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit , and transliterates over 3,100 other Hebrew names and places.
- Presents 87 books in total including all of the 74 previously canonized books, plus another 13 books considered to be inspired and/or historically significant such as Chanok (Enoch) and Yovheliym (Jubilees) from the Dead Sea Scrolls, as well as Yashar (Jasher), 2-4 Ezra (Esdras), 1-2 Baruk (Baruch), and 1-4 Makkabiym (Maccabees) – all published in the chronological order of their writing.
- Includes charts such as the Hebrew alphabet, the Hebrew "Names of God", and a Hebrew-to-English list of the most common names & places found in scripture.
- Restores the 29th chapter of Ma'aseh (the Acts of the Apostles) chronicling the journey of Sha'ul (Paul) to Spain.
- Presents ten original historical maps including "The Migration of the House of Yisra'el", "The Migration of the House of Yahudah", and "The Seven Assemblies of Chizayon" (Revelation).
- Measuring 7”x 10”, this book weighs 5.4 pounds and is printed in a readable 9 point Cambria font on sturdy 45 pound paper with ample line spacing and margins.
- Hardbound in black Arizona bonded leather with gold embossing.
- Matching Carrying Case/Book Cover and Custom Index Tabs also available.
- Retails for $95.00

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Cepher Publishing Group PO Box 2331 Eureka, MT 59917-9701 |